11 September 2008

Beta Key! Northrend Ho!

So I found a nice surprise when I opened my e-mail this afternoon: A WotLK beta Key. I debated hocking it for an hour or so, but then decided that running around and taking screenshots would be more fun than trying to undercut people on eBay and getting a couple bucks.

I'm probably not the typical case of what people are like when they get a beta key in that I don't really want to spoil the content for myself. I know, I know - why even get the key in the first place, then? Well, I want to see how the new UI changes are going, and I want to play around with macros and a couple of new talents. I very specifically DO NOT want to level through Northrend just to have to do it all again in a couple months. Repeating content exactly makes me a sad panda. In fact, repeating content similarly makes me a sad panda. I like new. I like different. Probably just like everyone else.

I'll try not to post any "spoiler-ish" things here, so that everyone else can enjoy the content fresh and new when they can get the game for themselves. If, for some reason, I do feel the need to post spoilers, I'll be sure to warn everyone before they come up.

I'm hoping that the beta won't take me away from the other things I'm doing in-game. I just want to explore a little and see what the buzz is all about.

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