26 August 2008

One Final Patch Day

All I heard about today from random scrubs on the server was how the patch was coming, like it was some kind of digital messiah. While I'm as excited as anyone to have a new hairstyle (OH, and a 51-point talent), is this the kind of thing that really warrants incessant chatter in trade?

As I stated before, I'm really looking forward to the new Prot Warrior and Resto Druid trees. This patch will also include the ability to level inscriptions to 375, and a few other random (but appreciated) changes. But what's the big deal? Blizzard hasn't even set an approximate date for the patch to go live. Or patch notes, for that matter. I'm not enough of an optimist to think that this will solve all the problems that exist. I'm tentatively hopeful that it will treat some of the symptoms that WoW has, but a complete cure is probably too much to ask.

At any rate, I'm looking forward to having new toys to play with. I just don't expect a godsend.

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