The reasoning behind doing all this was to have one tank, one healer, and one dps. Since I already had decent gear for druid healing (and it's the only kind that really appeals to me) that's the character I chose. For my tank, I still have my warrior, and for dps, I have my Enhancement shaman (whee! Windfury crits!).
As WotLK comes closer and closer, I'm thinking that this is a good way to go. The new feral talents look a little weak compared to the coolness that is Shockwave, whereas Flourish seems to be the new ZOMG LOTS OF BIG HEALZ spell. I am a little worried about Enhancement as a spec, because the 51-point talent of summoning a pair of spirit wolves seems. . . . lame. Balance druids already have this spell, except it summons three treants and is only a 41-point talent. I just can't see a reason to justify not getting even the base talents in Elemental instead. Unless, of course, the spirit wolves do awesome damage and have a short cooldown. Not something I really expect.
I really hope that the 51-point talent gets replaced with something flashy, or at least useable. The reason I don't play my shaman anymore is mostly that he's a one button machine. Stormstrike. . . .wait. . . wait. . . shock. . . wait . . . wait. . . Stormstrike, and wash, rinse, repeat. I'd like to see some more active abilities rather than passive talents that you just build in, and afk through a battle with.
At any rate, both Protection for warriors and Restoration for druids look really strong. That'll make leveling through Northrend very easy for two out of three of my characters, and anywhere from pleasant to aggravating for the third. All-in-all, not a bad way to start an expansion.
1 comment:
2 links for you:
WoW Forums Blue Post
I'll play with this talent, but will more than likely ditch it and place the points elsewhere, like you do with boomkin.
Have you checked out the Shaman Resto tree? Those may pique your interest... but I definitely agree that Druid Resto is going to be sweet! Flourish?! Yes please!! ^^
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